Soul Surfer Sistas Unite!

ImageSince I started my journey with surfing, I have always been seeking soul surfers who share my same passion and exictement for the ocean to get in the waves with and play with. Sharing the stoke with best friends heightens the experience. Seeing a friend catch a perfect wave, is almost as good as catching one yourself!

There is something especially wonderful for me when I get to share the surf stoke with other chickas, equally passionate about the surf. They are a rare breed, sometimes hard to come by!

Surfing with other girls pushes me in ways that others never could. There is also more comaradrie, support, and laughter. When you are one of two chicas in the lineup, sometimes its tough, it gets competitive, aggressive, and the fight for waves is tangible. Also sometimes dudes don’t give you a lot of respect to your ability as a woman, so when you have a surf sister to team up with, who rips, and is hollering you into waves, it is a beautiful, empowering experience.

For this reason, I am so grateful to have met India Reinartz. She is the ultimate surf sister. Such a ripper, so much positivity and perspective, in the ocean, and in life. India has surf mantras, that she repeats to optimize the technical aspects of her surfing. She has always been willing to give me feedback as my surfing evolves.She always pushing my level of surfing, and my perspectives on living a full, positivite and motivated life.

There is nothing but openess and love, and support for other women from India. It has changed my surfing, my life 🙂

Thanks Indy ❤

If you want to join us in Nicargua, and charge with soul surfin sistas.. there are lots of opportunities to involved

check out– for photos, and more information!

We are running a Yoga Surf Retreat at the beautiful Magnific Rock (most stunning location on the coast), Feb.15-22nd.

We also have dates set for the rest of the year, so check them out and start dreaming with us!


Find women that inspire you, and share with them! Have fun together, go on adventures, charge! Support eachother, encourage other, challenge eachother to be better, be more loving, laugh more, and be less scared (especially when paddling into waves)

…there are lots of inspiring women like that around these parts! woohoo! or bring your own amigas along with you! we have an amigas discount – a $130 discount/per person when you sign up with a friend!


1 comment
  1. Same to you Sista Carly. Thanks for the props and charging the waves with me everyday.

    I have been surfing in Nicaragua over the past 10 years with a handful of men so getting to share the experience with one of my favorite surf chicas, who is a sensitive, supportive, charger, gives me so much more stoke out in the water and makes me wanna show the boys how it’s done!

    Heading out for a session now, see ya out there:)

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